A Casual Visit

Recently, on June 4th 2022, I got a chance to visit my friend Anand Kumar Singh at his home, which is located in Singhpur village of Payagpur Tashsil, District Baharaich. We had planned to meet in Delhi, his temporary address, when he was preparing for the UPSC civil services exam. But since in the recent development he got Rank 206 in UPSC 2021 and secured the position for IAS, also he was very much demanded by his natives consequently he had to return to his home at Baharaich, and as pre-planned, I went to meet him at his home.

My home is at Malikpur Nonara Village of Kadipur Tahsil, District Sultanpur. Even though We both belong to the Awadh region of Uttar Pradesh, it is not so easy to travel to each other's homes using public transport. Our houses are around 200 Kms far from each other, but it took about 7-8 hours for me to reach his home this time. I visited Akbarpur (Ambedkarnagar) on my bike, and then I got a bus for Ayodhya, followed by a bus from Ayodhya to Gonda and a bus from Gonda to Payagpur. The average temperature during my travel was 43 degrees Celsius. Finally, at around 3 pm, I reached Payagpur; there, I was received by a gentleman sent by Anand's elder brother Anuj Da. Singhpur is approximately 12 Kms from Payagpur, and I learned that a few years back, it was difficult to travel this distance in even 45 minutes by car. However, since the new road construction, it took us barely 15 minutes from the car to reach the destination.

Besides Anand, I found his grandfather Sri Ram Saran Singh, who was there to greet me. I touched his feet, and in return, I heard "चिरंजीवी रहो (Be immortal)". From his voice and physic, it is tough to believe he is 90 Years old. He passed his intermediate in 1952 from Balarampur; since there has been no intercollege in Baharaich at that time. In his profession, he was a government school teacher. He was thrilled with Anand's success that he often quoted, "what else do I want at this age". Numerous people visited Anand's House ranging from contractors to businessmen, students to administrators, and Doctors to Peoples representatives, on the 4th and 5th of June to greet him. And this starts at 9 am and finishes only after 9 pm. This greeting business was so hectic that in the words of Anand's Grand Father "अगर रात न होइ तो जिव चला जाये हो यहिं आवा जाही से (If the sun doesn't set we shall die due to greetings of the plethora of people)".

Since Anand's family was not aware that I am a Brahmin, they let me touch their feet once, but later, when they knew I was clearly instructed not to do so again and in the same line, many of them who were twice or thrice of my age touched my feet when I was returning back to my home. His family members are argumentative but witty, especially his two uncles and grandfather. Overall the family members are candid. They listen to the arguments carefully and attack the loopholes of the talk. As mentioned previously, people from diverse backgrounds were visiting their house; I am a witness that all those who tried to be over-smart fell flat in the argument with the grandfather and others.

We (I and Anand) had a great time together. Several contemporary issues were discussed. His hospitality reminded me of an old saying in my region, i.e., "अगर आवभगत देखे के होये तो ठकुरे किहाँ जाओ (If you wish to see the hospitality visit a Thakur's house)". And without stereotyping, I must agree with the same. 

Finally, I must say I am very much impressed with the 90 years old Young man Sri Ram Saran Singh. His acumen is unparallel. I wish a great life ahead for him.

Some photographs for the memory of this casual visit:



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